The Weird Way My Wrinkles Messed with Me

 “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.
They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,
proclaiming, ‘The Lord is upright; He is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.’”   

-Psalm 92:12-15 (NLT)

As I put on my make-up on Sunday morning, I made a very interesting and rather disconcerting discovery. I now have neck and lip wrinkles. I have to admit, this seriously bothers me.

Weight gain? It’s been a struggle my entire life. Nothing new, not going to get too worried.

Gray hair? My sister is a cosmetologist; she can take care of that for me. Not gonna give it much thought.

Cellulite and flabby muscles? I’ve never been exactly buff, and I’m very modest. My clothes will cover that. No problem.

But wrinkles? On my neck and above my lip? Yikes! There’s only so much make-up can do.

I just commented to my daughter-in-law on vacation that my face was my last remaining “good” feature. I guess God thought I was being cocky.

It’s funny how age slips on you. It just seems like yesterday that I couldn’t wait to turn 16. Life, I thought, began at 16. That was the magical age in my house, when I was finally given permission to wear make-up, to date, to talk to boys on the phone, and to get my driver’s license. But 16 came and went so fast, as did college, and marriage, and having children, and raising children.

When the boys were young, I remember thinking that some days seemed like an eternity, but the years passed by in the blink of an eye.

As a child, teenagers seemed all grown up. When a teen, 30 seemed old. In my 20s, 50 was grandmotherly, and now? Well, now, getting old has taken on a whole new meaning.

Those tiny little lines can stop me in my tracks if I let them. They are a reminder of time—all the time that is behind me—and how much time lays ahead. They are a reminder of the things I have done, but also a reminder of the many, many things that are still on my “to do” list. They are a reminder that life is fleeting, and that time does not stand still.

The power of a few wrinkles is pretty amazing. Thank God, the power of His word is stronger.

Age is creeping up on me; it’s true. My body does not look like it used to. My hair is graying; my skin has too much stretch. But praise God, in Him, I’m still green and fresh. Help me Lord, as I age, not to really fret., and to remember, You’re not finished with me yet. And if asked if I’m a senior, help me not to run and hide. Give me wisdom with it, Lord, so I can wear that badge with pride.

Thank God, my value, my usefulness, my potential is not determined by a date, a scale or even from a mirror.

What about you? What aspect of aging has taken you off guard?